and that's the way we likes it.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

First day of summer...

Yes, that's right, summer!
We are now in Lima, Peru, and last night we kind of stumbled on a parade of 300-400 D'Onofrio bicycle-ice-cream-vendors. Kind of like the Dickie Dee guys in Ontario (or all of Canada?) They had a small marching band, and clowns and jugglers and stunt riders. You should see the stunts they can do on one of those three wheel freezer bicycles. Pretty crappy, actually.
We followed the parade down to a blocked street overlooking the ocean where they were having a small festival with live music and food and stuff, finishing up with 12 minutes of fireworks. All to celebrate the beginning of summer.
In December.
Kooky Southern Hemispherians.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're teaching English???
I believe the term you were trying to use is antipodeans - dumb ass!

5:30 PM

Blogger Ian et Vero said...

Ooooookay, Rick, you have a problem with southern hemispherians, and yet you let 'kooky' slide?
I guess you gotta pick your battles.
Ha ha.
P.S. I hope you get a celery stick in your next caesar, dumb ass!

9:42 AM


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