and that's the way we likes it.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

It´s been a while...

Yes, I´m a slacker. It´s true. Since my last post, a million years ago, we have been working, and settling in and such.
The only big news, is that we are both now registered in Distance Education University courses. Yes, that´s right, we´re getting an edja-ma-cation. A perk of this development is that I was finally able to justify buying a new laptop. Hurray!
As any and all computer users in the world will agree, my life is now filled with confusion and rage. First, because I bought the computer at a store here in Chile, it came with a Spanish keyboard and operating system. This means that I can do all sorts of accènts añd weird stuff. It also means that a lot of the more advanced operations are even more incomprehensible than they would be ordinarily.
Because of this, combined with the impossibility of finding an English version of Win XP, and the total impossibility of obtaining English restore disks for a Sony Vaio, I have decided to go cold turkey.
I am cutting Microsoft out of my life.
That´s right. No Explorer, no Windows, no nothing.
I have installed Kubuntu, a free Linux OS, which comes with a web browser/file manager. It´s very nice, and if I could get internet access at my house, I´m sure it would work just fine.
Noone will hook up internet because I am a foreigner. If I can get a Chilean to co-sign with me, they say they will hook me up, but my boss has been waiting ten months for them to get to his house, and he is Chilean. Ten months.
So, I start school Mar 1 and Vero is starting April 1, because her job involves a lot more work than mine.
Sunday is my birthday, so get your gifts in the mail. Ha Ha.