and that's the way we likes it.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Comment issues....

For those of you who have tried to leave comments, and couldn't, the only thing I can think of is to chose the Anonymous option. This seems to work from all the Internet places I have been to.
If you have tried this, and it doesn't work, I would say that you should swear a lot, shoot your computer with a high caliber pistol, and write a comment on a piece of scrap paper, put it in a bottle, and wing it into the Pacific.
It should get here.

We're back at the beach!

We are now set up on the Pacific Coast, specifically on the Nicoya Peninsula, more specifically in a town called Samara.
The wonderful folks with whom we stayed in Heredia while we were at school very generously offered us the use of their beach house here.
Yesterday I went surfing for the first time (this trip) and it was awesome. Huge waves (some as high as 3.5 ft.!!) and beautiful weather.
Today I feel beat up, and I look a little like a lobster, only no claws.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

An open question to all divers and snorklers....

I keep forgetting to post this.
A couple of weeks ago, I was swimming about 100 meters off the beach in Manzanillo when I felt a light tickling sensation on the side of my calf.
I looked down ( I was wearing goggles) and saw a black fish with two bright yellow stripes running down the length of its body. It was attached to my leg.
I beleive it was one of those cleaner-type fish (remoras?, pilotfish?) that are usually attached to sharks and whales.
As I swam back to the beach in a bit of a hurry (it freaked me out a bit, cause it wouldnt go away) it moved from my leg to my back, and then to my chest, right before I got out of the water.
Anyone ever have this happen to them, or hear of this happening to someone else.
I have never heard of this.
Am I breaking ground, and setting trends, or what?!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Macho Cowboy

This here's some sort of crazy horsey-type parade/procession during the Puerto Limon Carnival. We were standing on a street corner, right in front of a small bar. This turned out to be the ideal place, because many of the caballeros pulled up, parked their horses and went in to get a beer, to go.

Our Adopted Family

This is our Familia Tica (Tica means Costa Rican, obviously). We stayed in their home for a week and had a great time. Our week went by way too fast, and we are hoping to see them again, maybe at their beach house on the Pacific coast.

My new girlfriend

As you can see, my new girlfriend is as kind and gentle as the old one. Ha ha ha. This is Mariela, our 8 year old Costa Rican sister with whom we stayed while studying in Heredia.


This is a brand new Green Turtle, soon to be on its way in to the great big watery whatnot. We saw hundreds of these tenacious little bastards flipper their way across the beach.

Friday, October 14, 2005

We're livin' below a live volcano, baby!

We are now in La Fortuna de San Carlos. This is a small, extremely touristy village located 7 km from the caldera of the most active volcano in Costa Rica. During the day, you can see smoke coming from the top, and sometimes at night, there is a red glow coming out of the top.
No need for concern, though. At the moment, the magma is flowing out of the other side, away from town. The folks around here say that might change soon, but noone knows when.
Tomorrow I'm gonna try and post some pictures, but no guaranties, since I'm using a "free internet" computer at our hotel, and it's slow as sh$% and often free internet equals no internet connection.
We just came from Tortuguero, which is one of the northernmost towns on the Carribean coast, and is a protected green turtle nesting site.
We basically hung out on the beach, and watched hundreds of little tortugitas hatch out of the sand and wiggle there way to the sea. Boy, human babies have it easy.
That's all for now, gotta go check out the bullfight ring, cause somthin's going on there, and I don't know what.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

We've been to the beach and back!

Now, that's not the same as Been there done that. because that was only the first installment of the beach saga that is our lives at the moment.
We're now in Puerto Limon, the capital of Limon province, on the Caribbean (east) coast. We spent most of a week in Puerto Viejo de Talamanca, which is a (cripplingly (I don't think that's a word) touristy) surf town. At the moment, the surf is not up. This means things are relatively cheap, and the swimming is good.
We'll be here for a couple of days enjoying some Carnival (not sure what it's all about) and then it's off to Parque Nacional de Tortuguerro to chase green sea turtles around on the beach. Hee hee.
Wildlife seen so far: 75 white faced capuchins (monkeys) 12 howler monkeys, 1 sloth (my favourite) a whack of birds, insects and fish, and 1 raccoon.